AMEN's Courtyard

Harley Zorzo lies in the scorched courtyard, facing up at the sky above. This courtyard does, in fact, hold a couple memories: it was where she had fought that zombie pirate. Actually, her arm had fallen around here way back when: what happened to it? Does she even want to know? Ugh: nevermind. There's no point in thinking about it. That was so long ago. She got a new one back anyway.

Lying here is somewhat inspiring. Her right hand holds her notebook between the sky and her, while she writes on the notebook with her pencil.

Valcano mountainside

Maria the Exploding Witch hovers up and down the mountainside, leaning over occasionally and talking to herself. When she reaches down, she picks up a rock and examines it. Some, she sneaks into her grey dress's hidden pocket. Most of them, however, she just tosses over her shoulder.

"No, not this one. Too dense." "Not burnt enough." "Hmm...this one looks useful." "It's shape is off..." are things she mutters to herself.