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Thread: The Eternal Winter IC 4

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    Titan in the Playground
    WindStruck's Avatar

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    Jan 2012

    Default Re: The Eternal Winter IC 4

    The others flew off, while Alizarin found a good spot on a distant roof to perch on. The street was long and straight with a clear shot, and although the falling snow made it rather hazy to see details, he was confident that both the enchantments on his bow and the True Strike spell would negate that.

    Settling down into position, he watched with glee as Gan Cean nearly got knocked off his horse. That was some well-deserved karmic retribution right there. And hopefully more would be coming.

    Well, if the others were going to start why not me?

    But first, Alizarin tries to activate the wand. Maybe he didn't need it.. but... thinking back even to when he recently shot at Gan Cean, he either had some heavy abjurations on him, or some really thick hide.. and now, the pixie's fingers were starting to feel numb. Using the wand of true strike was probably going to be the only way he'd land a hit on the dullahan...

    And so, he tried to evoke the wand... and if successful, he sets it down on the snow, getting ready to fire soon.

    Spoiler: Use magic device


    Spoiler: Status
    Alizarin Rouge HP: 70/82

    AC: 26/20 touch/17 ff (Gan Cean designated for dodge)
    Spell resistance 24
    fort: 17, reflex: 22 (evasion), will: 15

    DR: 10/cold iron
    currently visible

    12-Greater Magic Weapon - 10 hours
    Flaming Sword (sub electric)
    True Strike

    Other effects:
    Aura of resolve: Immune to compulsions. Allies get +4 morale bonus to their saves vs compulsions.
    Divine health: Immune to all diseases, mundane or magical.
    Trap sense: +1 to reflex and dodge ac vs traps.
    Last edited by WindStruck; 2016-12-05 at 01:17 AM.