R1T7: Haru moves into the room and then the alcove to catch up to the Gray, leaving his Nunchaku where it was stored, but with his fist at the ready. He and Flair now threaten the ... cowering? ... Gray.

R1T5: Drawing his scimitar and taking those stuttering steps, the ashen-faced man runs towards the room the creature is hiding in. His mouth waters, and he's struck with a sense of madcap desire and biting hunger as his bird soars past him.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

Bishop runs on his little legs past the ashen-faced man and into the room, barking wildly behind Flair and Haru because he can't get to the Gray (no more room in the little alcove to move through their squares).

R2T20: Zarinda, what do you do?

Gray on deck, Eric in the hole ...