From seemingly nowhere, Akemi's voice interjects "To be fair, though, this environment is one of the few where combat training can happen in relative safety and training also includes being ready for when the opposition becomes violent."

As the city disappears, Kerri and Akemi appear from thin air. The girl applauds the others and smiles to them (and gives Kerri a quick mental hug, as a physical one would be uncomfortable for the psychic). "Well done, everyone. Hopefully team selection will be done in a manner that doesn't hurt morale like linear picking. My apologies for any bad feelings, it is hard to choose when there are nothing but strong choices and a rough plan needs to be settled on quick." Akemi bows deeply, the angle supporting her sentiment.

As they begin to leave, she compliments her team mates:
To Kerri: "I could feel how calm and in control of your abilities you were despite the stress and time pressure. Nicely done!"
To Viessa: "I wish the game continued until we could have seen you taking their flag back to ours in a flash. With how you went at it, I am sure the next round will be over soon, but for a different reason."
To Malcolm: "I couldn't have asked for a better distraction. You would have done lots to keep the other team from winning, even by presence alone, no doubt about it."

Seeing Lucy still showing some nervousness, the girl soon finds herself in a quick, friendly, one-armed hug. Akemi doesn't add words, knowing they are not needed, just letting Lucy feel she is being appreciated, that she is recognized as a significant force among them. As always, the quiet understanding is reinforced that if Lucy wants to talk, Akemi will be there for her.

Exchanging a few words with Amina in her native tongue, Akemi also apologizes again to Jolt about him being the last one, also adding that she has little doubt that if she had not been a team leader, she would have been among the last picks herself, but because of having few relevant abilities instead of the bad system of picking team members.

Finally, she walks alongside Alek, giving him a quick smile. "There wasn't much time, but I see you went with a hybrid strategy of offense and defense. We focused entirely on recon and searching as fast as possible, with Malcolm there to distract and mislead you. Strong choice to let Lucy prevent access to the flag. Would have been interesting to see how things would have played out, especially how you would have dealt with not finding Kerri and me because of being invisible."