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Thread: A New Hope! [IC]

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: A New Hope! [IC]

    Zhane appears perturbed by Yi's comments on the trickiness of casters. He hadn't considered that some people wouldn't trust the legendary precision of the wizards of old- and spends most of the conversation in a huff, patting out the sparks that dance off his flesh.

    He comes to when the accord has been struck. With disdain all across his face, he'll try the unfortunately physical action of scaling the tower. (Not without some divination, though, of course.)

    Spoiler: OOC
    Zhane is using his Foresight ability, mapping out a hundred possible futures and a thousand possible routes up the crumbled spire. If he sees a fate he'd prefer, he'll ensure it comes to pass.

    (basically, he rolls a flat d20 at the start of the round and can subsistute it for another roll (adding all the new one's modifiers) if he so chooses. Kinda like rerolls, if retools happened before the actual roll.)

    Foresight: (1d20)[14]
    Climb: (1d20-2)[4]

    So, because he rolled a 14 and a 6, he substitutes the 14 in for a total result of 12. Prescience!
    Last edited by cecil1994; 2016-12-11 at 10:48 AM.