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Thread: Up Yours, Atropus! IC Team 3

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    Titan in the Playground
    Chimaera's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Default Re: Up Yours, Atropus! IC Team 3

    Nanashi woke up really soon this night. Even more than usual: that dark omen floating above them much like a vulture waiting for the prey to die really messed his dreams and he woke all sweaty and gasping for air.

    As much as he doesnt like it, he's a bit coward. He fear of going outside and doing what's right, but he also fear doing nothing as well. For him, fear was the key to victory, much like a cornered rat would fight back, so does he. And yes, he was cornered now.

    He get up and begin a series of breathing and meditations. Once he calmed down, he begin his morning exercises, even though the sun was still shy and asleep. For two hours he train til the cold sweat of fear is gone and replaced by the sweat of hard work. Much better now.

    He takes a shower and take a quick look on whatnto eat, but find himself hungerless: what if that moon is poisoning the food as well? Cant take that risk!

    He meet the others and face Captain Krimmevol.
    "Morning, my good captain. You look pale, is everything all right? Or as right as the situation allows?"

    Nanashi's Status
    HP 104/104 AC 44 (FF 38, Touch 32), Saves +26/+24/+23 (+6 vs spells and SLA) Init +4
    Passive Skills: Diplomacy +14, Listen +16, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +14, Spot +16
    Resistances: Evasion, Immune to negative-dominant planes damage, Immne to negative levels, Resist Energy (Acid 5, Cold 5 and Eletricity 5), Greater Screening (-10 to touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures)
    Vulnerabilities: -2 on saves aggainst fear.
    Buffs: Spellstrike (+4), Defending (+4), Greater Magic Weapon, Greater Mighty Wallop
    Reactions: Absorb Spells, Good Karma, Always set to Counter-Charge, Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Celerity, Ruin Delver's Fortune, Greater Mirror Image, Nerveskitter
    Last edited by Chimaera; 2016-12-31 at 03:32 PM.
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.