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Thread: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Nov 2004

    Default Re: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

    "Run and find and bring back someone you think you can trust--or failing that, someone warm-blooded. Expect the other lizards to be right behind you." Aerin moves to attack the apparent leader again, briefly regretting that any secret messages she put in her words would be far more likely to be understood by the enemy than by her pro-tem ally.


    Action Before Thought: (1d20+10)[27]
    Stone Bones: (1d20+8)[28] Critical threat check: (1d20+9)[16] Damage: (2d6+4)[7] Critical damage: (2d6+4)[13]
    Last edited by Kish; 2016-12-27 at 04:54 PM.