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Thread: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Mar 2015

    Default Re: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

    Quote Originally Posted by Athedia View Post
    Eglantine looked at Vindal with a worried expression and retreated to the intersection where she could see Rowan and an older man approaching, followed by more of the creatures. She braced herself in the path, determined to protect her brother. "Rowan, get behind me! I'll keep them from following you." She looked rather obviously the worse for wear.

    Hey, two can play at that last words game. Vindal might want to protect his apprentice but Eggy has to protect her brother.

    The movement is to L7
    Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
    ”Why so? There are assassins about, we should be stealthy!” The man moves, though still not very fast. Rowan comes after him, ducking away before the flying hordeling reaches him. Not being able to stop its movement, it crashes to the wall. The one who stayed on the ground runs after the healer to attack him again, this time stabbing him with a sword. The first one picks itself up and puffs its cheeks to blow a burst of cold air at them.

    This icy sting gets the older elf's attention and he yelps, waving his hands and almost dropping the candle. He turns around and sees the attackers. "How vile! Who would send these nightmares!?"

    "It's a little late to be stealthy sir," Rowan replies impatiently, prodding the noble along despite the cold. As they round the corner, he aims the man towards his sister, again trying to make him go as fast as possible. "That way please- They won't hurt you, they're here to help!"

    Spoiler: Actions

    Again holding Rowan's action to withdraw after Darian's father. I don't know if making him go the right way costs any action- if so, a move action to follow D.F. and eating the AoOs is fine.
    Almost have him to relative safety! I think....
    Last edited by aReallyGreatAxe; 2016-12-30 at 08:55 PM. Reason: Colors help.