[VIGIL Skybase]

Wenomir is visibly confused.

"Anthropomorphic ponies? We don't have anyone like that. But we're not the only group with a stake in Inside's defence. Regardless, I don't plan to wait around for them to attack. We're planning an attack on our own terms, against a target of opportunity."

[Obstacle Course]

Wenomir shakes his head.

"I've fought many enemies in many places, and I'm training them to do the same. That means they need to be ready for anything."

[Skies Above]

The harpy is successfully slammed by Anika, using its own compatriots. It falls to the ground, stunned. The other two continue to flail helplessly.

Meanwhile, the harpies around Alice seem to experience their instincts taking over. Their aggression disappears, and they fly away in a rush. Those not engaging either of the two Vigil members quickly follow.