The Two-Weapon Fighting feat line allows you to make extra attacks with your off hand weapon at a penalty.
The monk's Unarmed Stike ability says that "there is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed."

Now let's say, hypothetically, I wanted to level as a fighter with Superior Unarmed Strike intending to be a better fistfighter than a regular monk. Naturally, the two-weapon fighting feat chain will give me extra attacks.
However, let's say that I hypothetically want to dip two levels of monk for Evasion and saving throw bonuses. I now have the monk's special Unarmed Strike qualities, meaning that there is no such thing as an off-hand attack for me any more.

Sooo... Q372
Does taking a level or two of monk mean that my unarmed attacks can no longer benefit from the effects of Two-Weapon Fighting?