Quote Originally Posted by Morphic tide View Post
You want the Fighter to be great at stuff that isn't Fighting? Make a different class altogether for it. The Fighter is intended to be the greatest combat monster in the long term, after the Barbarian runs out of Rage, after the Monk runs out of Ki, after the casters run out of Magic, perhaps before those.

Again, Fighter only does Fighting. That is what they are. That is all they are, and all they really should be, because they are Fighters. So any mobility options should be removing the importance of other mobility options that would otherwise counter the Fighter and make them go for multikills by basically outdoing the Monk at jumping between enemies.

As it stands, a Fighter can't competently do more than one, possibly two of the following with their pathetic skill-points:

Climb a cliffside
Stand watch
Administer first-aid
Navigate the wilderness
Get through an obstacle course
Swing from a chandelier
Maintain, repair or build their own gear
Ride a horse
Take care of a horse
Guess how tough their opponent is
Know what they're fighting
Not fall for a feint
Know the battlefield's terrain
Guess the enemy's tactics
Lead troops
Know the city they LIVE IN
Know politics
Be GOOD at politics

I'd expect any competent warrior-type to be able to manage AT LEAST half of those.

The 'lol, Fightars r dum' meme is a pernicious one, and I want to see it killed. But Fighters are no good at killing memes, either.