Before you walk off, Lucille growls at you to remember that she prefers Lucille over Lucy. Then wishes you 'good luck' in a distracted tone. She looks around and seems to be drifting closer to the as of yet still unoccupied Check-In Window.

Spoiler: Lysandra has not chosen to be on screen yet
Elliot has become a bit more talkative as the wait has dragged on. "It would seem that most of the aspirants are seeking to team up, as it were." he blows a stray lock of hair out of his face. "I suppose I shouldn't think of you all as aspirants any more, I mean you've all had your applications approved... and if the League Official ever shows up, we'll all be officially sanctioned trainers, free to challenge the league and pursue our own agendas... what do you think? do you plan on recruiting a traveling companion or two?"

he looks around at the assembled, his expression equal parts boredom and disdain, for once it doesn't seem directed towards you.

Tyson, Cassandra, and Ken:

Spoiler: Tyson's Perception

Lucille is a short girl with a petite frame. Her blonde is cut short and her eyes are green. She favors slim cut jeans and a brown jacket with a fur-trimmed hood. Instead of a backpack, she carries most of her traveling gear in a messenger’s satchel, she travels notably lighter than a typical trainer. She wears black and white stripped sweatbands on her wrists.

she looks at least a year or two younger than every other trainer from Oak's lab.

As the three of you chat, you overhear numerous similar conversations going on around you, a few trainers here and there are insisting on striking out on their own, but most trainers seem to be congregating in groups of 3 or 4... you overhear snippets of conversation that indicate that most of them want to stay grouped up for safety, or at least companionship on the road. Judging by the more anxious amongst the crowd, the number of trainer fatalities don't actually decrease after pewter city, they just get more spread out.