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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: [PTU, IC] big teej presents: Kanto Plus: Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by big teej View Post
    One trainer in line is glaring at you as you walk back past the line. He's an oversized brute in leathers with a fur-trimmed vest and a shiny shaved head. he sticks his hand out in front of you and takes a half step in line. "You got alotta nerve jumpin' front of us boy." he growls at you.

    after navigating that particular interaction....

    Lucille looks you up and down when you speak to her, her eyes hover for a few moments on the Fuschia markings on your clothes.

    "It went okay, slower than I'd expected, much slower than I'd planned... I thought I could make it here in two days." she looks past you at Ken and Cassandra. "I was wrong." she looks back at you. "So.... are you from Fuschia, or just a fan of Koga's work?"
    Tyson sidesteps the roughneck's outstretched hand and reaches out his own hand to shake it. "Oh... sorry about that." He looses a short laugh. "Guess I should explain huh? I'm not exactly supposed to tell any of you this but..." Tyson takes a half step closer and pretends to look around the room for something or someone. "I'm actually one of 7 trainers sent by the gym leaders of the Kanto League each year to ensure the safety of this years challengers and that the challenge itself runs smoothly. We try not to draw too much attention to ourselves during our work and in order to do that we take on the challenge alongside you all as "greenhorn" trainers; with new partners of course." He tilts his head towards Kasumi.

    "I'm from Fuchsia, sent by Koga himself if you didn't already guess. And the guy standing there with the Cyndaquil..." He points to Ken, "He's from Cinnabar. I have no idea who Pallet's gym leader sent, if he even sent anyone, but there are more of us here and I shouldn't say much more than I already have; the best place to hide is in plain sight afterall. Also, the nurse told me that Oak's aide was supposed to be here over half an hour ago..." Tyson feigns a sigh. "Which means someone has to go find them now."

    "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a researcher to find. Oh and you might wanna take a few steps forward." He thumbs toward the front desk (to which I assume the line has advanced). "Wouldn't wanna lose your spot in line after all right?" He smirks.

    The ninja boy begins to walk away as if nothing had happened. "Nice vest by the way. Wanted to get one for myself after visiting Cycling Road." he says over his shoulder.

    Guile Roll: 16 (Spent 1 AP to boost. I'm spending points left and right today)


    after navigating that particular interaction....

    "Two days seems ambitious after making the trip myself. Looks like mostly everyone made it here in about three anyway." He scans the crowd looking for any indication that Oak's aide has arrived. "Regardless we're all stuck here waiting now."

    "And what gave you that idea? Couldn't be the Soul Badge on my back right?" he laughs to himself. "Yeah, I'm Fuchsia born and raised. Even got the opportunity to study under Koga himself before leaving on my journey. You?"
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2017-01-04 at 03:00 PM.