Quote Originally Posted by UncleWolf View Post
The Empress' Estate - The Frescots

The snow-melon is subtly sweet with a soft fleshy texture and a taste that's almost like a mixture of honey, snow, and an aftertaste of pine. Overall, it has a striped rind like a watermelon, but is shaped more like a honeydew. For the children, there's plenty of ham, venison, and pheasant for meat and buttered rolls and all sorts of more recognizable vegetables for sides(not that they're likely to eat them without prodding from their parents).

Glaahr returns with another Godless, a slightly older one wearing the fur armor and with a bronze axe on her back. She has scarring around her eyes, but she's smiling despite herself. The smile she and the handmaid share however turn slightly bitter and pained at Adir's question though they don't comment as they set the chairs up for the little ones.

"No, they do not. Not any longer."
The Empress says, deciding to answer herself rather than making one of the elfish guards do so. "They have not been blessed with children for a long time, and likely never will again. The reasons are...difficult to explain though it could be said they journeyed elsewhere to have adventures of their own."
Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
[The Empress' Estate - The Frescots]

"You're just a wee dainty thing, and the chair looked very heavy,"
Adir murmurs back, flashing her a sidelong grin as he seats himself amidst their brood. He sets about gently snatching at hands and at least trying to instruct the children on how to proceed! Though he's undoubtedly much less strict at their own dinner table.

"Thank you," he tells the elven guards. The Empress commands his attention again a moment later, and he mouths a little 'Oooh'. "I... see. Look, I'm sorry," he flicks a glance at the Godless. "Really. Um... Would ya like to know their names? The kids, I mean." He asks, perhaps of the whole room. He looks at the Empress and opens his hands. "Maybe the ladies could eat with us. Chatter a bit. Would that be okay?"
[The Empress' Estate - The Frescots]

The kids are quite good eaters, actually, and don't show the slightest hesitation toward eating vegetables. They can't with Sakura for a mother. Laela and Cern both are far too inclined to grab more than they could possibly eat, and while their parents are bound to be too busy with the younger kids to rein them in. At least Gywdion has some restraint.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Sakura says. She couldn't imagine how terrible that would be. It's nice to see that her own kids bring some smile to their faces at least. "Yeah, they never got a proper introduction. Our oldest is Laela, then there's Cern and Gwydion right next to her." Sakura catches sight of the piles of food and gives disapproving looks. She'll deal with that soon. "Russell and Lucy are the two right here, and the youngest are Laurana and Cassie."