Spoiler: More actions
(I got my will and my fortitude save mixed up fort save bonus is +19, so I passed... just!)

Swift action -activate bracers of lightning
full round action - Shoot with longbow. +2 to hit and damage from knowledge devotion
(1d20+28)[31] for (6d6+5)[32] damage plus (1d6)[3] electricity damage
(1d20+28)[34] for (6d6+5)[29] damage plus (1d6)[4] electricity damage
(1d20+28)[43] for (6d6+5)[25] damage plus (1d6)[2] electricity damage
(1d20+28)[31] for (6d6+5)[22] damage plus (1d6)[3] electricity damage
(1d20+23)[29] for (6d6+5)[26] damage plus (1d6)[5] electricity damage
(1d20+18)[32] for (6d6+5)[26] damage plus (1d6)[4] electricity damage

All attacks are ghost touch, and ignore cover, concealment, and DR.