Near A Waterfall

Sorrow rolls her eyes and settles down next to Faithel, allowing her far greater bodyheat warm the both of them back up after that frigid blast of air. As Faithel looks at the parchment, the lettering begins shifting again, forming words she recognizes even if the names, date, and locations are all new to her...

19th Day of the Month of Coin

It has been three fortnights since I have left my post according to our Knight-Commander's wishes. I have accumulated a small number of things which I shall leave here for...well, anyone, to find. My name is Arct Neglast, Master Scribe and I am likely the last surviving Knight of my God-King's domain. I fear I am being hunted for while my departure from our besieged fortress had been made will all caution under the dark of night, I've heard neither beast nor insect for these past weeks and the air has turned stale. The nights have grown increasingly longer and a pressure has grown upon my shoulders as if some unimaginably heavy weight has started to settle there. Perhaps I have simply grown weary of running as ordered, but I suspect there are foul powers at play here. The Ascendants have taken over and their thoughtless minions have started to show themselves. I'd give anything for it to be Yrmorl, but given the events of the last year and a half, I am far from that lucky.

My mission is to try and make contact with another one of the holdouts of resistance, a fortress to the South named Adrian's Crag. I have two more weeks of travel but have not slept in three. I am above the masses in my endurance and strength, but even us Knights have our limitations and I believe I have reached mine. I will try to sleep after I finish this record, in case my fears are true and I am hunted.

Lords Abernath and Bay have usurped power from my liege and his family. Their armies have grown twisted, their corruption having surfaced as the sparks of divinity all life has, is pulled from their bodies to leave them mangled and reshaped as the twin Lords wish them to be. These...shells, these...Warped are frightening in both strength and countenance. They are short lived creatures, reliant upon feasting on the flesh of the unWarped to lengthen the existence of their blighted lives. Initially they were once human, but turned into mindless ghouls thanks to the twisting nature of the Ascendants. Those that feast however grow surprisingly strong, rivaling freshly minted Knights with ease and proving trouble even for those of us who are experienced in fighting beasts and man alike.

I suspect that I shall pass well before this small chest is found, but whomever reads this, I wish for you to know. Head South. There will should be a meadow perhaps two days' brisk walk away where I shall try and make my stand against whatever is stalking me. For better or worse, I, Arct Neglast, shall fight once more. If I am successful, I shall take the logging road there the rest of the way to Adrian's Crag. If I am not, I pray to thee to find my remains and inter them there. Take this letter as proof of my wishes and perhaps you shall be rewarded if any of my comrades still stand.

Good luck, and may Strength smile down upon you.

Island Bunker

He's...scared, I realize. The boy is scared of everything that was going on. He didn't seem to know where he was, he wasn't a fighter much less a soldier, and seemed to be on the verge of panic. The soldier in me is a little disgusted by such a display, but I can't help but feel more compassionate and protective over the young man than that. He seemed to be more lost and confused than I was, but despite his invalidity, he still had one advantage that I had to try and utilize. He was mobile where I was not.

"That is sufficient."
The feminine voice responds. "There should be rations in the Commander's Dorm if you are hungry, but I cannot verify if you will find them palatable since they are nearly two centuries old. They were made to be stored for long periods however, and they should be good if heated in the Rehydrator. I apologize, but there is nothing I can do in order to restore your full functionality at this time."