
the barest hint of a smile flickers across Elliot's face. "Your postulate could have merit." He concedes, "But. I' have known E.R. Racine longer than you have, so I think there might be a bit more to it."

He looks around at the gathered trainers, then at you. "well, I am going to go requisition more supplies and then head north, are you coming, or are you going to pursue a different course of action?"

Ken and Cassandra:
Spoiler: Poke-edu Result

Several kinds of pokemon have readily adapted to living in the artificial urban environments created by humans. Many common flying and field type pokemon can be found, pidgey, spearow, pidove, ratatta, that sort of thing. Fighting Types and Ghosts seem almost drawn to urban environments, as well as Electric types, due to the abundance of electricity to feed off. (Tynamo and elekid infestations are occasionally highly problematic and dangerous)

when you also factor in strays and abandoned pokemon, there's no telling exactly what you could run into in the city.