Quote Originally Posted by Roguewolf View Post
"I thought she was was going to take my arm with her, she has a mean grip." Ken starts to massage his shoulder. "Yep we've just been taking in the fresh air, catching a break to get some food in Zippo and enjoying not running!" A toothy grin follows the statement. "Speaking of, did you see that Albino Vulpix over there? Never seen one like it."

Ken stands back up and slings his pack back on. Then he picks up Zippo and places him back on his perch of the right shoulder. "A grand tour sounds awesome! Get to know the lay of the land and where we're going. What kinda Pokémon you think live around here?"

Ken then turns to Tyson. "So, what exactly did you tell that guy in the vest to make him leave you alone?"
Tyson rubs the back of his head, "Can't say I've ever seen anything like it either..." There's a brief pause before a playful grin forms on his face.

"Kasumi take five 'kay?" He rubs the tiny frog on the head before he returns the Froakie to it's pokeball and releases his Zorua. He takes a knee and scratches the fox behind the ear. "Hey little guy, wanna play?" leaning in closer he points to the white Vulpix and continues in a whisper, "Can you make yourself look like that pokemon over there? If you need to get a closer look go over there and then come back to me when you're done. Got it?" He pets Zorua on the head, waits and watches.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who wanted to see all Viridian has to offer! No idea what Pokemon are native to Viridian but would you guys mind if we stopped by Viridian Gym while we're here? Or what's left of it at least..."

At the mention of the Roughneck, the ninja boy laughs. "Oh that guy? I told him that you and I were two of seven trainers sent by the Pokemon League to watch over the trainers participating in this years league challenge. Oh! And that I liked his vest. Hope you don't mind roping you into that without you knowing?" He looks to Cassandra, "I even thought about saying that you were from Celadon but I thought that'd be pushing my luck. Either way it was enough to convince him to let me go." he says as he shrugs his shoulders.