"Man, I bet this would have been some sight before it got wrecked like this." Ken muses and begins to picture how the gym would have looked. Nothing like Blaine's of course but then again there's no volcano here. "Still sort of impressive, hiding in plain sight and all."

"At least it's a bit quieter now, without that massive crowd." Ken chuckles a bit trying to lighten the mood around the gloomy ruin. "Guess most wouldn't want to come to the place where it all went down."

Ken turns to Zippo. "What do you think little buddy?" Zippo chirps a couple times then starts to turn shy again. He was getting used to Cassandra and Tyson by now, which was fast for the little Cyndaquil. Guess he really can't be too shy around new people we're traveling with now. Ken manages to keep this thought inside and smiles a bit at it.

Spoiler: Perception Roll

Perception: 9 (Spent 1 AP to boost)