Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
Andi respected Julio - And didn't respect Bandanna, not even as Julio's proxy.

Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail because you haven't had time to build that well of respect.

Considering how little time has gone by since Bandanna had been put in charge, "cultivating a bodyguard" in the face of resentment from one senior officer, might have looked like an overreaction. Same with issuing punishment after one failure to use the title "Captain".
I agree with a lot of your post, but I don't think Andi's insubordination is limited to a single time event of failing to call Bandana "Captain".

She's been bitching virtually non-stop, and out in the open rather than behind closed doors, ever since Bandana was put in charge. That's why I do feel that the biggest (maybe the only) failure of Bandana's leadership up until this point was not disciplining Andi publicly before this.

I understand the impulse that you have to allow time for a crew to get used to your leadership, but after a certain point you can't be everyone's best friend but rather need to make certain that everyone acknowledges your authority.