Quote Originally Posted by GreatWyrmGold View Post
Remind me to stay the eff out of the navy, then. Stuff happens—and sometimes, there's nothing a captain can do to stop it.
Yup. He maintains responsibility for not having foreseen circumstances which could have led to that and properly having had subordinates readied for it, however.

RL example: my father had command of a nuclear cruiser. An unexpected and strong storm came up and one of the bumpers (big rubber things designed to keep the ship from banging the dock) failed, resulting in a bumpitty. Not a big bumpitty, but one that shouldn't have happened. Now, my Dad was 400 miles away at a diplomatic function, but that goof-up kept him from promotion.

1) Was there anything he could have done to stop it, once it got to that point? No.
2) Should he have trained his executive officer to be sure that his crew inspected those bumpers when they made port? Yes, he should have, and that's all it took to end his career.

Bandana's a pretty good leader for the first time out of the chute, but Pendell is correct: it is on her that she didn't fix the issue ahead of time by addressing Andi contesting her authority.