Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
[Moth Park]

No, Sticks is hardly an intimidating specimen. "I'm quite certain Sticks wouldn't deny you that, would he?" Vax seems quite content to take her time with this. There may be a demon bent on stopping them that could strike again at any moment, but she wouldn't let that hurry her. Though as Sticks said, it is very close to complete.
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
[Moth Park]

"And the tree? Can we involve the tree, Mr. Sticks? it is a important symbol of this park." Zhareen inquires without hesitation. No fear demon would use Sticks as their avatar of horror, in Zhareen's mind he couldn't even scare a crab!
[Moth Park]

"It can only help,"
Sticks tells Zhareen, not disappointing either of them. "Grounding the spell in something that's for a very long time could make it more difficult for the demon to break free..." His voice warbles through the magical communicae, a wavering mass of soul energy. "How old is the tree?"