Spoiler: "Safety first Robo." "In that this helmet is the first safe thing I have done today, yes."
-Atomic Robo

They are taking risks, but at the same time they are entirely aware that they are. It might be a moment of desperation, someone who has nothing to lose... or it could be someone who is not taking their character's life seriously. I would avoid the latter.
Spoiler: "If God did not exist, he would have been invented."

Someone religious as they have god existing as a straight fact. But also inventive and in a way undeniably confident in the ability of human beings. Those things don't actually run against each other, but still not a common combination.
Spoiler: "Eugene, meanwhile, had turned himself into a tree."
One named Eugene who turns into a tree... apparently without a lot of reason to do so. Plant based magic? Shape-shifter? But why the sudden transformation into a tree?
Spoiler: "I could send you on a guilt trip just by saying you should feel guilty." "...Is there something I should feel guilty about?" "No"
-El Goonish Shive

A noble soul, but one who is not entirely confident in their efforts and second guess themselves. I see some room to grow as they find their way.
Spoiler: "He gave me two answers. Neither of which actually answered the question but I think I figured it out."
Someone asked the old master a question.
Spoiler: "I should also apologize for my partner's atrocious language." "He also tried to kill us." "But that was professional unpleasantness."
I feel this sums up a professional and polite killer. Just from the sound of this, I would not be surprised is the speaker just tried to kill or is just about to try and kill who they are speaking to.