Quote Originally Posted by Rinazina View Post
I was wondering if this would be a table changer...
At the end of the day, we might not expect OOTS ends up like 80 years ago, with heroes sealing the gates and live everyone happy. Snarl and Dark One would be resolved somehow.
My totally random, unproved, unbacked by anything theory is that:
1) Being all alone, the Snarl got bored and then introspective
2) He remembered that one time when, in universe 1.0, he destroyed the puny living things
3) He tried to reproduce an universe just to get out of boredom
4) He managed to do so (after all he is divine, in some way) and created one universe with a planet
5) But he wasn't able to give life to anything
6) Now that the gates are opened he, for first thing, has tried to contact the lifeforms: this ability to contact is in some way limited by the gates (how is the ability to get out)
7) Blackwing was close (and weak willed?) enough to feel this telepathic field from the Snarl, and got mesmerized, but he didn't remain there for enough time to permit to the Snarl to properly detect him (or the remaining gates hindered the process)
8) Laurin was actively poking mentally the Snarl's universe (and with some force, given her level): this either made the Snarl feel his universe was in danger (which was my first hypothesis) or simply made the Snarl understand he could enter in contact with some lifeforms (which is now my main hypothesis, since Laurin said the Snarl's universe has no life)
9) Laurin remained close to the gate enough time -after the first time she gave a mental look (apparently while Tarquin was dealing with Elan and Nale)- for the Snarl to detect her properly and trying to reach her
10) The Snarl wants to abduct people/ask people to enter in his universe so to populate it. Or maybe studying the lifeforms so to being able to unlock his divine ability to create them
11) Coming to Hel/DO/IFCC interactions with the Snarl, we will discover the Snarl is no more interested in destroying OOTS universe or its gods, but he is interested in populating and managing his one, so the threats to unleash him to blackmail the gods will be moot.

Like with the MITD, we will discover that the eldritch abomination has become with time and introspection a non malicious (or even gentle) monster.

Obviously, given my past (and probably future) record of not being able to make good guess about the author's intentions, it's almost sure that nothing of what I've written is exact.