Ferrus, mortally wounded and well aware of the statistical likelyhood of his life functions ceasing very soon, peeks out from his - now much damaged - cover, and tries to draw a bead on the gunner on the roof.

Suddenly, all seems still. An incredible calm settles over him. He feels a presence, a guidance. His hands, utterly steady, draw a bead on the forehead of the gunner, and pulls the trigger. Incandescent light bursts from the muzzle, and the enemy's head explodes in a cloud of superheated blood and brain tissue. He topples forward, trigger still pulled, spraying bullets in wide archs around him as he spins down, down - and crashes into the floor, spraying more blood in a geyser across the floor.

Spoiler: OOC

Is Ferrus has a charm, it is now strangly burnt. Also, Jashugan may take his actions normally.

And sorry for the mess up. Suppression takes a round of preparation, which this guy didn't have. Fortunately, justice caught up with his errant ways, and punishment was swift and absolute. Rejoice, proud citizens of the Emperor, and behold his fierce will and righteousness.