As Amnian troopers rush forward to deal with the bodies of their comrades, soon to join the ranks of the unliving, the party casts its attention to the horde beyond the walls searching for more significant threats. The mostly mindless sea of undead continues its unceasing press against the walls below as weaponry continues to rain down upon them.

A chorus of alarmed cries rise up from the battlements as a huge boulder sails through the air. Crash! The massive rock smashes into the fortress nearby, narrowly missing you all. Crash! Another smashes home moments later sending rubble and men flying into the courtyard below. Focusing your attention outward you spy a pair of giant humanoids in the distance. Sheltering in the summit of a squat old watchtower the 15ft tall monsters look almost like dark, hairless giant drow elves. Strange faint mists swirl about them. Heavily armoured in banded they have greataxes slung across their backs but each wrenches another slab of stone free and prepares to send it sailing! Left unchecked this assault will surely breach the citadel walls eventually and the horde will be able to pour through!

Spoiler: Fiendish death giants

Giants are 600ft distant and have cover.
The terrain between you and the giants is a gently gradient uphill slope. Zombies swarm the slopes (in a slow shuffle).

=> Party