[Electra's Apartment - The Watchers]

The watcher quickly finds their way to an air vent that vents into Electra's apartment. As they get closer to a vent that's towards the living room, they can start to hear snippets of conversation.

"...don't know.....who are you?" That's clearly Electra, sounding both annoyed and suspicious. Never a good combo.

"...surpised...forgotten me. But then, I have changed in the years we've not seen each other." That must be the visitor, a strange tone that's neither male nor female, and yet has a strange reverberation to it, as though the person is using a voice changer.

"What are you talking about? I don't know you. You told Ray you had a job, an urgent job that couldn't wait, even for the conclusion of another operation." From the way her voice shifts slightly in pitch, it seems Electra is pacing back and forth in front of the vent. Anger has started to replace the annoyance in her voice. "And now when I get here you start with that out-dated code. Now you're babbling about knowing me, but I don't recognize you. Normally, I wouldn't care who you are, but in this instance," There's a mechanical and electronic clicking and thrumming noise. "I really must insist you take that get-up off. Slowly."

The watcher is now close enough that it's obvious which vents goes out into the living room, if the watcher wishes to both see and hear the conversation.