
Waking up after his meditations, Saderran was a very busy drow; he quickly completed his routine of powerful magics and started to account his earnings in the last two weeks: with this crysis covering all the world, and undeads raising up here and there, making money became harder. Therefore, he joined his group of companions briefly waving his hand at them, still reading through his ledger, considering that the price of halfling slaves went down to 2cp at week, after all those dead kobolds rising into Nashkell mines. "I hate those little undead buggers, will need to raise up some dr..."
Too much self-absorbed in his work, and overconfident because he could not be seen by undeads, the drow wizard noticed that between the group of attacking zombies and monsters, a pair of Banshees joined the fray too much close to him.
Still distracted and more concerned with his life than that of the others, he used one of his magical abilities to... change direction and 'join' the battle below for a moment.

Still considering on his best course of action, Saderran hears Nanashi speaking, and turn to answer him:
"You can take away some of my shadow powers! ... you'll pay me later..."
While he speaks, a boulder travels over his head, crushing on a tower. He turns and sees the dark giants, a 15 ft equivalent of his less elegant cousin, Lethenor. "Let's see if killing them will be funnier than killing Lethenor!" He thinks.

"Jump on me!"He shout at his companions, and runs towards the giants, changing form at the same time; a bunch of disgusting spider legs spring out of his body, while all his equipment seems to adjust to the new form.

Spoiler: Status

HP 102/102, Speed 30 Saves F14;R:19;W:17; Attack +17
Active Effects:
Shield +4 AC
Greater Mage Armor +6 AC
Greater Heroism +4 Morale on Attack Rolls, Saves, Skill Checks, Immune to Fear, +16 HP
Greater Mirror Image
Combat Readiness +5 Initiative
Gargantuan Monstrous Spider From;