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Thread: RWBY VIII: Well, THAT escalated quickly

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: RWBY VIII: Well, THAT escalated quickly

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramza00 View Post
    Short version of Callos

    Spoiler: Volume 4 Episode 10

    Ren is a ninja, at least to grimm for he is able to hide from one of their senses which is sensing emotions of others. Oh he also is able to share this with others.

    The only question is this semblance limited to emotions or can smart grimn use other means of detection such as their eyes, ears, nose, etc.
    Don't you shorten my posts!

    Spoiler: Volume 4 Episode 10
    Considering that we've seen Grim react to things that have no emotions before, I imagine their eyes, ears, etc. work just fine. So if Ren tried to use his Semblance while standing in front of a Beowulf, the Beowulf would probably be very confused for a few seconds (more than long enough for Ren to kill it) before it just attacked the human it could see but not feel.

    Its actually a pretty great tool considering for dumber Grim, they'd probably assume Ten died if he went out of sight and then disappeared off of Mega-far so he could make a clean getaway or attack from a direction the Grim no longer expects. Even smart Grim would likely be fooled a time or two before they figured the trick out and even then...doesn't change the fact they still wouldn't be able to sense him once out of sight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anyr View Post
    Spoiler: Ditto
    Ah yes, you're right. I'd forgotten that each pair shared a chess piece between them. Even so, the general point still stands: All the lifelong best friends needed plenty of luck to end up with one another.
    Spoiler: Does this need to be spoiled?
    Yeah, but the only ones who really got lucky were Ren, Nora, and....maybe Pyrrha? And Ren and Nora actively looked for another while Pyrrha...dunno, was she looking for Jaune at that point or just glad to see he was her partner. Either way, only one pair of life long friends actually ended up paired up as partners, the rest BECAME friends...not that much luck to be had honestly.
    Last edited by Callos_DeTerran; 2017-01-23 at 01:11 PM.
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