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Thread: New Friends, No Axes IC

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Keystone of the USA

    Default Re: New Friends, No Axes IC

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Laurel reads the posters intently, then grins and reaches up to grab a tab from the kitten poster. "Ooh, does anyone else want a kitten?"

    She waits in line like a proper citizen, then walks up to the guards with a large smile on her face. "Hello Sirs! Lovely weather for travelling, isn't it?"
    The guard gestures to Laurel to put her bags on a table and for Laurel to go stand in a small booth. A small halfling woman wearing goggles sits midway down the table, one hand resting on a crank. As she turns it, the surface of the table reveals itself to be a series of moving boards, which carry objects down the table. She cranks it until the bags are level with her and then opens them and peers into their contents. Apparently satisfied she closes the bags and turns the crank some more depositing the bags in a bin at the end of the table. Another guard nods to Laurel and gestures for her to go pick up her items.

    Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
    "Let's see... don't have that... don't have that... am not that... haven't figured out how to put a siege engine in my pocket... Waterskins with water? Well, I guess I have that." Braxton pulls out his waterskins, finishes off the one, and empties the other. "That should be good. Wonder what that's about though. Also, looks like I'll have to watch my buying and selling while I'm here."

    Braxton joins the others in line to enter the city.
    Braxton is gestured to go through the same motions as Laurel did, but instead of gesturing for him to take his things and join her the guard signals to a stout woman overseeing the proceedings. She approaches, looking at Braxton suspiciously. "I'll need you to come to a private room for a moment. Leave your things there."
    Last edited by Athedia; 2017-01-25 at 11:52 PM.