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Thread: New Friends, No Axes IC

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Athedia's Avatar

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    Apr 2011
    Keystone of the USA

    Default Re: New Friends, No Axes IC

    Quote Originally Posted by SirCatBeard View Post
    "Sure. Where are we going?" Terrach says with disingenuous cheer as he follows.
    Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
    Spoiler: Athedia
    Braxton sits there for a second, then facepalms. Sigh... "Terrach, what did you say this time?" Braxton then looks at and speaks to the custom's officer. "That would be one of them I think. It's mainly just that he's grumpy some... most of the time. He is a good person though."

    The man was silent as he escorted Terrach to the same room Braxton had gone into.

    Spoiler: Braxton and Terrach
    The walls of the room were a pristine white and it was illuminated by a glowing orb. Braxton sat at a table across from the woman that had entered the room with him. The guard that had escorted Terrach pulled up another chair, and then left.

    The woman glared at Terrach. "What the hell did you think you were doing?"

    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
    Zinnia watches Braxton empty his pockets, then be led aside. As law abiding as he is, it didn't seem to be enough for them.

    "Yeesh, these guys really have a bug up their cloacas." She frowns, if a tengu could frown, and looks around for another way inside the city.

    Spoiler: Perception

    Zinnia sees that the wall goes all the way around the city until the water's edge. Other than the gate that the people were walking through the only other entrances were the boats being pulled up the low river and the carts going through a large side gate. The drivers were showing papers and occasionally a group of halflings and humans would search the contents while wearing the goggles the halfling at the table wore.

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Laurel grins in triumph as she finally puzzles out meaning from the squiggles. Besides, the wait was beginning to grow long. Surely they wouldn't chase after her with sorcery if she just popped over to get a kitten.... they'd hardly notice her absence!

    She looks around one last time for a familiar face (or beak, or beard) then trots off, reading street signs along the way.

    Spoiler: Check
    (1d20+11)[23] Can she get directions

    Laurel trots along occasionally getting directions from helpful strangers who seemed slightly curious to see a half-elf but were friendly to her all the same. Eventually she came to a building with two doors labeled A and B.
    Last edited by Athedia; 2017-01-26 at 11:35 PM.