Quote Originally Posted by Rodin View Post
This so much. Jeph does good character relationships, and a big part of why I read is to see how the characters learn and grow. Having a character that's pure evil is just out of tone for the comic, and all of this super-spy AI stuff has just kinda dragged for me. I'd much rather have seen a plotline where Bubbles insists on getting her memories back (having willingly given them up with no blackmail/encryption nonsense) and then have her work through that with Faye to prove C.W. wrong. Us not getting to see those memories (or instead see Bubbles reaction to them) feels like a cheat.

It just feels like this plotline went into a weird place, and I'll be very happy when it's over.
I... kind of agree. I mean, it's not entirely terrible but many parts of this felt like they could have been done better. The idea of Bubble's quest for her memories is intriguing but there were quite a few things Jeph could have done differently...

Also, in my naivete I assumed CW was just expecting Bubbles to walk away because she was not into violence... but I guess shutdown virus makes a bit more sense.