Quote Originally Posted by Jasdoif View Post
Suppose having a True Neutral alignment means your morals are closer to the middle point between Good and Evil than they are to either extreme, and your ethics are closer to the middle point between Law and Chaos than they are to either extreme.
TN could also be someone dedicated to a purpose that doesn't place primary value on evil vs. good or order vs. chaos.

Illarith is a TN mage I'm running in a 2E campaign. He's an elf dedicated to knowledge and the acquisition thereof. He doesn't brook the destruction of manuscripts or books, and has forced the party to sit while he copies inscriptions and other information from various sites. He's put party members to sleep when they've attempted to wreck books or manuscripts because the items were "evil".

Evil and good in the classic sense mean little to him. Good and evil have to him have to do with the preservation of knowledge. Preservation is good, destruction is bad.

He's in a party with a paladin and a couple good clerics partly to gather their knowledge for preservation, but also because they "evil" they're fighting threatens to erase much knowledge from the world.

Not a perfect example, but IMO closer to TN than not.