Quote Originally Posted by Athedia View Post
Spoiler: Terrach/Braxton
"If the other Freeports heard about us hording siege equipment, trade agreements get canceled. That means people starve. Are you a fan of making people starve?"
Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
Spoiler: Athedia, Terrach
Braxton couldn't quite believe the conversation that was going on. Still... "I assure you, ma'am, that we are not fans of making people starve or of causing fear and mistrust, and I certainly respect laws put in place for the common good. I'm sure the guard outside can attest to the fact that I even emptied out my waterskins to avoid violating that regulation, odd though it may have seemed to me."
Spoiler: Athedia,Braxton
"Now why didn't you say so on the poster, a little reasoning behind the rules would make many more likely to respect them, leading to a safer city. Also, everything he said."