The problem is, CW is not just capital E Evil, but also capital S Smart. In the criminal sense at least, she planned this whole thing and pulled it off. She's not very good with humans, but that has nothing to do with it.

It wouldn't surprise me, if nothing here runs in CW name, and can barely even be connected to her. Bubbles kill-switch might have also served the purpose of setting up a patsy if everything crumbles. Just imagine, Bubbles name is on everything. The rent, the accounts, etc. And when the Feds actually come, CW activates the killswitch, and claims Bubbles must have commited suicide rather than face trial, while she herself was only a poor pawn. "That brutal combat robot threatened me" Depending on the leverage she has over the others there, she either takes them out too, or she knows they won't testify against her.

I doubt this is over yet.