Quote Originally Posted by John Campbell View Post
I'm kind of baffled as to why Bubbles was irritated at Faye for asking about power adapters. She's a robot. Power outlets aren't some irrelevant frippery for her. They're how she lives. Faye's question was on par with asking a human, "Hey, do you have any dietary requirements we need to know about so you can eat?"
But the way Faye asked didn't sound like that. At that moment, it probably sounded more like "Do you prefer bread or rice?" - a conversational side-step into trivia. Faye hadn't mentioned Bubbles moving in or anything lately, and Bubbles knew her initially as a mechanic, so for a moment, Bubbles took it as a purely mechanical question.

It wasn't meant that way, of course, and once the minor miscommunication was cleared up, Bubbles clearly got the idea. But it was a perfectly plausible one-frame communication glitch which served narratively to show that Faye is determinedly focusing on the practical.