
She gives a rough, "hmph", to Excellence's mockery. The old manor's chairs luxurious nature not lost on her, she sits comfortably while slowly eating a fried bread she acquired at the festival. "You make Excellence points." She holds the bread in her mouth and pulls a glowing map of the arena out of her sleeve. The map doesn't quite match; it's probably from former events and years. She grips the bread and map in hand and looks over the arena in front of her. "There are too many coincidences to assume this was fate."

"All of you must have found it strange how much security the king desired. The king's paranoia was rightfully justified. Him seeing shadows out of the corner of his eye is a grave sign. The attacker is someone even the king couldn't fight off. Someone too close to see or untouchable from the king's current situation. Whomever it is it has to be someone with knowledge of the events. This attack happened during the changing of the guard and from the event's monstrosity. Everything is too planned."

"The murder weapon is still on the loose, but what information it holds is unknown. We have to act fast though or else things will be obfuscated beyond our ability to find. We need to question this monster's handlers." She looks at the map to see if the king's tower/arena's engineering was oddly placed to allow this thing a better chance at destroying it. "They might know something. That and we need to get in touch with the people overseeing the event."