Can we just stop assuming power levels/power scales still mean anything in this show? If anything, after Namek this all went to **** and thinking about it just gets me irritated...

Spoiler: rant

I mean, Kid Goku in the Red Ribbon arc was pretty much entirely immune to bullets. And that was a t a point where he was way weaker than Picollo sen. Then we still get a load of training and power ups, until we get into Z, and then still some more until we get to Namek where Freeza could (pretty) easily blow up a planet. And up to this point we still had some decent fights... Albeit Raditz outclassed everyone, then nappa until he met Goku and Vegeta again was way stronger than Goku on his own.
Anyway, past Namek: Trunks EASILY destroys Freeza and cold but stands no chance against the Androids (same for anyone else). Then Picollo is around their level, but semi-perfect Cell (heck, even maxed out normal Cell) destroys them entirely, until he is outclassed by Vegeta and Trunks who again stand no chance against Perfect Cell. That's five power increases between Freeza and perfect Cell where nobody stood a chance. (Possibly another if we discuss max Cell and 16 apart from the others)
Buu saga was a little bit more even, but there was still a strict power increase for the most part. And then Beerus shows up, entirely doestroys any kind of scale again, and we're supposed to accept Goku can be bruised by a bullet?! A BULLET?! I guess I should watch out I don't get squashed by a feather when I'm not looking...

As I said, I can usually just not think about it and accept it... but thinking about it makes it really hard to accept any of this.