That's a nice leap of logic on Crystel's part. Kern's comment for the page makes it sound like she's correct, though.
Quote Originally Posted by Kern
A fight was about to break out between Mel and Chrys when Zhor speaks out his mind. Outright giving out secret information to a potential enemy in hope to undermine his captor. Chrys quickly come to the dreadful realization that she's been chasing after the very thing she gave away.
The Jaals were working for Snad.
Zhor that the Jaals were working to make more of the antidote. I hope that is explained better rather than just being left as a big plot hole. It's possible that Zhor misunderstood something, but I rather doubt it. You would think that if Snady wanted them to make more antidote for her side to use, she would have provided a starting sample, so it would seem unlikely that she's planning on taking all the production, but why would she let them make more antidote without taking all of it? It's possible that she just hadn't gotten around to giving them a sample yet, I suppose, or maybe she hadn't realized that it might be possible. It didn't seem as if there had been an attempt to spread the infections widely throughout the Sharen or Sharg sides. If that had been the case, I could see Snady deciding to allow her Jaal allies to make just a few copies, which could create conflicts over who got the cures. Since the infections didn't seem to be spread widely, that's probably not the plan, though. Anyway, it would be nice if Kern explained this.

So what now? Assuming Crystel gets away and Snad survives her fight, Mel will have to choose between betraying Zhor and her loyalty to Snad. Then again, if Snad barely escapes, Mel might wind up distracted enough that she can just ignore the issue. If Snad dies, it would be moot. Chrystel would still have to race to get the cure, though.

Kern's blog
Quote Originally Posted by Kern
Chapter 50 has an END! For Real!!! Right now i have it marked for page 267 which mean i can now say the cameo call is on the 4th march. Even if i add a page or two it’ll still be the 4th’s march. As to which page i’m curently working on : 241. By the time the cameo time happen i will be working on the epilogue.
The current page is 235, so 32 (maybe more like 35) pages left. It will be interesting to see the March 4 cameo call. That, or something else around that time, should explain what he's going to do after the current chapter.