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Thread: Magic items [P.E.A.C.H]

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default Magic items [P.E.A.C.H]

    Ink stamp of glyph of warding:
    as a action you dip this stamp into magical ink and stamp something. When you stamp something you set a trigger and set a exploding glyph as if you cast the glyph of warding spell. When the glyph gos off roll a d6 - 1 if you roll one it's 1. What you roll is the type of damage it does.
    1. acid
    2. Cold
    3. Fire
    4. Lightning
    5. Thunder

    This next one I'm working on

    Cloak of the winter wolf:
    As a action you flip up the hood you transform into a winter wolf. When you take the wolf form you gain the winter wolf stat block in the monster manual. You retain your Wis, int and char stats. When you are not in the winter wolf form you have resistance to cold damage.
    Curse: everytime you enter the wolf form make a DC 14 wisdom save or gain a level of feral. When you gain 5 feral levels you become a feral winter wolf your unable to switch back. When you are reduce to 0hp you revert to your regular form and you are unconscious. When you wake up you have a strong desire to put the clock back on and flip up the hood.

    Helm of the Berserker rage:
    As a action you can activate this helm. In doing so you gain the rage feature as in the Barbarian class. You gain rage damage according to your level that corresponds with the level on the rage damage table as if you were the same lv of barbarian.

    Pouch of hellfire sling bullets:
    Each day the first 12 sling bullets pulled out of this pouch. Has a magical enchantment on them making the magical and deals a d6 fire damage.
    Last edited by Sir cryosin; 2017-02-16 at 11:52 AM.