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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Let's build another setting! (Flare Tower)

    9.) The Nisshtari Regions

    A geologically unstable area that is incapable of safely supporting permanent settlements, this lush, sprawling labyrinth is inhabited by seven nomadic tribes, collectively known as the Nisshtari. They traverse the rough, often vertical terrain on the backs of giant reptilians, hunting monsters of all shapes and sizes, and functioning as guides and guards for caravans passing through the region.

    Spoiler: Nisshtari Tribes

    The tribes themselves are fairly similar culturally, but they do have a stronger bend towards specific areas, with the focus of each tribe below. Each tribe is ruled by a chieftain of the same name, but they will take orders from an Igrunl, otherwise known as a chosen one of their god.

    • Karchesk - Warriors
    • Imsjet - Shamans and Mystics
    • Tren'gu - Thieves, Spies, and Assassins
    • Chrgen - Merchants and Craftsmen
    • Nimikit - Storytellers, Musicians, and Orators
    • Zekretu - Hunters and Beast Tamers
    • Otnam - Alchemists and Artificers

    10.) Mualth

    According to Nisshtari mythology, there is a great serpent that lies beneath the land, stirring in its restless sleep. It is known to them as Mualth, and they believe that its motions affect every aspect of their lives, so sacrificial offerings and prayers are sent to it, with many different variations. Some perform rites of appeasement, soothing Mualth and bringing it closer to comfortable stillness. Others perform rites of assignment, receiving tasks from the serpent. There are also the rites of assessment that grant insight into many things, particularly that which is already known. Then, they have the rites of atonement that cleanse the body, mind, and spirit of hostile influences and can improve their existence. There are also forbidden rituals known as the rites of aggravation, rousing Mualth so that it may awaken, ravage the tower, and consume the flare.
    Last edited by Sybracus; 2017-03-17 at 03:58 PM.