Laurel jumps when Braxton speaks to her, but recovers quickly."This is Tyrannis, she coos, And isn't he just the most magnificent thing you've ever seen? she looks sheepishly at Terrach. "I... thought having a cat might help me understand better. I've never really been much for animals before, it's odd being around something that you can't talk with or order around. I didn't expect him to be so cute up close!" she scratches the kitten behind his ears with one finger.

Laurel's face brightens at the thought of free drinks from
Braxton. "Yes of course, the sooner the better! Nothing like drinks to make you forget about people stealing your feathers, or whatever. I'll be taking my own room, I hope you understand. Well, just me and this little paragon of cuddlefluffs... she trails off again to talking with the cat.