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Thread: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

    Caladan: year 10,191, just a week or so before House Atreides is scheduled to take over Arrakis.

    Each of you has received a communiqué from your immediate superior in Cala City after dinner. The message is short, explaining only that your superior has recommended you to Thufir Hawat for a select mission. You are to report to the Duke‘s Command Center, at the heart of Castle Caladan.

    Castle Caladan is a short distance from Cala City. The weather is overcast, promising rain, as the sun nears the horizon. Upon receiving your summons, you depart for the Command Center at the heart of Castle Caladan.

    The entire Castle bustles with activity as soldiers, technicians and servants prepare for the journey to Arrakis. The low rumble of nearby thunder echoes through the long, dark hallways. No natural light penetrates this deep into the complex, but your way is lit by Glowglobes. At more than one point, guards stop you to check your security clearance.

    Journeying ever deeper in to the ancient keep, you come at last to the Command Center. Knots of high ranking strategists purposefully move about, exchanging information. Your identity is checked one final time, and you are led to a waiting room. Inside the next room is, presumably, Thufir Hawat, the Duke‘s Mentat and Master of Assassins. You each see a few others there, apparently also waiting to see Thufir about this mission.

    One of them is a Bene Gesserit, who is dressed in the typical black robe of the sisterhood, with her hood pulled back. She carries no visible equipment, though it would be fairly easy to conceal things within her robe. She has deep blue eyes, platinum blond hair tied up in an elaborate bun at the back of her head. Her face is smooth and pleasantly attractive, but she is not overly beautiful. The loose robe prevents any assessment of her body, but it is well known that all Bene Gesserit witches are well conditioned and tone, at least in their youth. She appears to be in her early 20s.

    As each of you enters you notice that a serene look graces her visage, her eyes closed, as if in a trance. After a moment she opens her eyes to look at you, that freakishly penetrating gaze seeming to see right through to the deepest part of your being. She stares at you for a moment, a slight smile curling the edge of her lips before she closes her eyes again.

    As the last person enters her eyes remain open as she stands and bows slightly in respect. In a soothing, smooth, very feminine tone she says, “Greetings, my name is Juladia. Apparently I am to accompany you on this mission. Very well do I know the reputation the sisterhood has in the minds of many Imperial citizens. I can only hope that we can overcome any negative connotations this may hold for any of you. If not, well, I understand. I am sure we are all professionals, and mature enough to work through any personal feelings about each other. I will state up front that my loyalties lie completely with House Atreides, the Duke Leto and the Lady Jessica. I would not be here if Thufir Hawat had not approved.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Roll Sense Motive if you wish.
    Last edited by Gryndel; 2017-03-01 at 06:12 PM.
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