Quote Originally Posted by eschmenk View Post
What bewilderment? What "what the hell is wrong with you?!" "No, what the hell is wrong with YOU?!" relationship? With so many servants, why would Sillice have raised Nishi?
Bewilderment: "I didn't think I'd die this way".

As for the wthiswwy relationship, Nishi and Sillice are seen in profound disagreement more than once, especially during the events of the Nidra war, after the failed attack against Snadhya in Chel, and before Sillice goes raiding the school.

As for the raising thing: Faen had to take care of Yafein, Ariel was raised by her siblings, and, in earlier versions, Syphile was raised by Sillice because she was her sister. Yafein is Faen's cousin, but he still is a close relative. Rosof's daughter also raised his son, which is interesting, because Rosof's house is unusual enough as to be led by a man, which could mean that siblings raising siblings is a common thing in drow culture; on the other hand, Quain might simply have taken Rosof's habit. AFAIK, in every single case portrayed in the comic, people are raised by siblings or close relatives. Until there's proof of the contrary, I'll take it as generally true. The only opposing argument I can think of is that the new Sargh kids hadn't been raised by their sister until they were quite older.
While servants and slaves can help with raising the baby, as well as specialized teachers, that's not the same as acting as a parent. Quain didn't see Ariel in ten years, and her role was fully taken by Syphile. However, we know that Chris saw Sillice, which means that she wasn't confined like Ariel, and probably also had a deeper relation with Zala, who admitted that she didn't see Diva as a mother. Zala is personally raising her last kid, and implies that her methods are different from Diva's. Sillice seemed to be raising the twins herself, which might have had something to do with small spaces; she also said that they weren't being raised as proper vals, whatever that meant.

So I don't think it improbable that the Sharen sisters raised each other. Actually, I think that's what happened. Sure, it hasn't been stated, but the opposite also hasn't.