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Thread: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Re: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

    Freya walks along to Dr. they rather quitely. Not so much still, formal silence as a simple lack of words being spoken from her. Her head filtering through things the Rules mentat and master of assassin's had said. So it was kanly... War of assassin's... The need for such strenuous security was obvious. And they were just meeting with the duke's mentat and doctor. If they had to meet the duke himself the security checks would no doubt be 10 fold worse. Kanly... Vendetta. What a time for this, to go be forced into such a hostile planet. She needed more information. "Clearing out the palace" clearly didn't mean they would be decorating and dusting. More like looking for traps and making sure no harkonnen was his i 92nd in the palace. This could be dangerous. But she'd rather die than be responsible for missing something and some trap killing the duke of his family. But wait... No... That didn't make sense. They wouldn't leave a job so vital purely in their hands. This might be a test. Aidan Bosque would be their commander while they were there. Hawat had mentioned he was a mentat as well... Could this then be a test? No doubt Hawat or some superior would searched after them as well. Kanly...

    Freya would procede with them to the doctor, still sorting through information, still trying to file every little scrap of information for future recall.

    Freya listened and watched, without responding much. She had already surmised rain wasn't a thing there for the most part, but never? He continued. "Your inspection" that was some useful intell. They would be doing that then? Fair enough. Meeting the water needs of the duke's forces would be key. If they were too dehydrated they would be unable to work effectively.

    She listened as Jules is requests provisions. Acid? Why acid? It would do you no good unless you had a good grip of chemistry and chemicals. Still... She wouldn't refuse it. The poison snooker made perfect sense. No one wanted to risk poison, and considering kanly had been declared, they should expect poison. "Yes doctor, do you, or anyone else happen to have information on the native people's? Any additional information on theirs customs, traditions, standard diet, typical values, and any religious or moral beliefs common among the people would be invaluable. No doubt your information on the fremen will be incredibly useful. However there could be hsrkonen agents hidden among the city folk. If we had a good grip of the city film's culture, beliefs, and any religions common for them, it could help us identify any Harkonnen who don't know such things."

    Spoiler: OoC, aka the sense motive list

    Autohypnosis, 4 ranks+not Now sure if you want me to roll this every turn to mainly the effect but in till I am sure I'll ere on the side of caution.

    Dr Yueh (4+3+4, ranks+wis+int)


    Again, I trust what you said about her, but acid sounds like enough of an abnormal request to make Freya curious. She'd not staring her down or something, just mulling it over. As for doctor Yueh... Just because she's a mentat and analysis is her job.

    Edited to specify IC what she meant. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
    Last edited by Mai; 2017-03-02 at 02:38 PM.