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Thread: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

    Yueh's Office

    Quote Originally Posted by Mai View Post
    She listened as Jules is requests provisions. Acid? Why acid? It would do you no good unless you had a good grip of chemistry and chemicals. Still... She wouldn't refuse it. The poison snooker made perfect sense. No one wanted to risk poison, and considering kanly had been declared, they should expect poison. "Yes doctor, do you, or anyone else happen to have information on the native people's? Any additional information on theirs customs, traditions, standard diet, typical values, and any religious or moral beliefs common among the people would be invaluable. No doubt your information on the fremen will be incredibly useful. However there could be Harkonnen agents hidden among the city folk. If we had a good grip of the city folk's culture, beliefs, and any religions common for them, it could help us identify any Harkonnen who don't know such things."
    Doctor Yueh thinks for a moment, then replies, "The only true natives there are Fremen. All the others are a collection of people from across the Imperium. While I suspect they do have some Fremen customs in Arrakeen, since some few Fremen are reported to live in the city, the other locals likely have only a loose collection of customs unique to each group. I think this would also apply to traditions, religions, diets, values and moral beliefs. Sorry I can't be more help in this, but so little is known about Arrakis. I have little doubt that the locals have some very deeply held resentments toward the previous rulers, as do most who deal with that vile House."

    Juladia says, "We will simply have to rely on our wits, skills, powers of observation, and Freya's ability to come to logical conclusions to glean such information ourselves. Perhaps Aidan Bosque will have more useful information for us concerning these things."
    Last edited by Gryndel; 2017-03-05 at 09:37 AM.
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