Freya acknowledged the doctor with a nod and a quick thank you. She had hoped more detailed information was known. Sure immigrants brought thiet own culture... But when you live in a place for decades, your culture and view start to chance from one generation to the next. This is how many stable cultures began. That said 80 years wasn't much, and no doubt the Harkonena weren't into building the people up.

Freya isn't quite sure how to respond to that last bit. Responding would just make it... Awkward. So she doesn't speak. It felt like saying much here could come across badly so she tried to pay attention to Daniel. He had asked a good solid question she was ashamed she hasn't asked. Freya would listen to the doctors every word on the subject. It could impact what kind of equipment she would bring herself, there might be some useful information for the taking.

Spoiler: OoC
(1d20+8)[10] Concentration