Freya took some time to think. She took the items he offered. "Thank you, I would be only to happy to pay... I'd rather you not be out money. Or is this kind of thing something to duke of Hawat wanted kfor the forces and it doesn't cost you?" Freya takes out a wallet to offer to repay him. "What expense was this on you or the the Atredies?"

"You mentioned equipment trouble, how do shields fare? Could they help stop the brunt of any such winds, or are the sand and dust likely to somehow get inside the mechanism? I have thought of buying one but now that you mention equipment troubles I thought I should ask." Freya would smile somewhat and listen. If no one asked any questions to provoke his response after this, Freya is ready to leave.

Spoiler: OoC

I know shields cause issues and don't work so well OoC, but was heavily debating buying one anyway because Freya didn't know that. XD but... Now that Daniel steered the conversation into these waters and Yueh mentioned equipment issues, I have the excuse to ask IC. I'd he doesn't know anything I'm probably buy one just for the sake of that's what Freya would do.