Daniel slides into the table opposite Juladia, notably not in his uniform and instead clad in a long leather jacket. "If Thurfir Hawat trusts him, that's good enough for me," Daniel says. "Good to have you along, Rafa."

He flags down a passing waiter, muttering an order to her before settling down in his chair. "You know, if this actually is 'exquisite', I think it'll be my first meal paid for by the Duke that is. And while I have no doubt, Reverend Mother, that a mutual trust in each other's abilities will be very neccessary to surviving our mission, I'm afraid the reputation of your order does...somewhat precede you."

"As for myself, I'm a soldier of the Duke, with all the training that entails, though I am fairly new to the job. But if Gurney and Duncan have enough trust in my capabilities to recommend me for a mission like this, I must have been doing something right."