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Thread: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

    The Star Searcher

    Juladia replies, "I am not a Reverend Mother, Daniel, merely a Bene Gesserit Adept. I possess all the training that the school always provides. I am trained in martial arts, which is enhanced by what is known as the Prana Bindu conditioning of the sisterhood. I also posses a maula pistol and a dagger, both of which I know how to use proficiently. I am also somewhat adept at stealth."

    With a slight shrug she adds, "As to the reputation of the sisterhood, I wholeheartedly agree. I will reiterate that my loyalties lie completely with the Atreides. My view of the sisterhood is that they practice a form of slavery, especially with their breeding program, which I abhor vehemently. However, I am aware that this is not an attitude easily acceptable to those who are aware of the sisterhood's history. I can only ask that you try to view me as an individual with her own motivations and goals in life, not an indoctrinated and enslaved sister in servitude to the Bene Gesserit."

    She smiles at Daniel and says softly, "I am confident that your military training will lend itself to brave actions against any Harkonnens or their agents. I see that you carry a sword, so presumably you are a trained swordsman. Are you also trained in the use of explosives?"
    Last edited by Gryndel; 2017-03-07 at 07:22 PM.
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